Two Whistles is the weekly newsletter of the 1st Waverley Scout Troop. Look here when you miss a week at scouts, or can't find your printed copy of the newsletter and need some current information.

16th December

8th December

 1st December


24th November

17th November

no news on 10th Nov

  3rd November

27th October

20th October

 13th October

 6th October

15th September

8th September

1st September


27th August

18th August

11th August

4th August

21st July

14th July



16th June

9th June

2nd June






28th April

21st April



24th March

17 th March

10th March

3rd March

This link will take you to our Hall Cleaning Roster (when we have one!) At the moment the Hall is being professionally cleaned. What do you think? Do you like it? Any comments to the Hall committee please.

Back to the Homepage

New newsletters are usually uploaded to the Web on Wednesday.

Names and phone numbers are usually removed from the Web edition of Two Whistles to protect privacy.

Please send your feedback to me.

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