Date:6th October 1999 Duty Patrol Tonight: Eagles Next Duty Patrol: Penguins
Working Bee – Sun 19 Sep
There was a Working Bee on Sunday, 19 September to spruce up the Hall and surrounds. Thanks to all those who attended. As you can see, the hall has benefitted from the work that was done. Thanks to all parents and scouts who turned up on the day.
Let the Celebrations Commence!
The Hall grand opening is planned for Saturday 23 October – see separate sheet for information. Please make sure you get your reply slip back on time.
4/11th have moved into the hall over the school holidays and are in residence since the start of the term – their Scouts are on Mon night and Cubs on Tue night, so you will lights on in the hall more often.
Jamboree 2001
What a fantastic opportunity for scouts to get out and see some more of the world with their friends and peers. Meet new people, catch up with friends and spend 10 days doing the things kids like to do!
To qualify to attend scouts must be at least 11½ at 1/1/2001, have attained the red Pioneer badge and have 10 nights camping under canvas including one block of 4 nights (our Easter 2000 camp will cover this). Applications will be out early next year.
On site activities such as commando course, abseiling, archery, rafting, flying, sailing, puppetry, theatre sports, arts, crafts, go-carts etc. Expected off site activities will probably include flying or gliding, and visits to Sydney attractions such as Sega World and Australia's Wonderland.
Further details are on
Wine Bottling
Once again this fantastic value event is being organized by First Waverley. Parents, families and friends have the opportunity to buy good quality "clean skin" wines at a great price. An added bonus is that this event helps to keep the scout fees down, while enabling the group to offer a wide range of activities. Please encourage your parents to support this fund raiser. Get them to take the form to their workplace and see how easy it is to help support our scout group.
Orders are due on or before 23rd October, Wine Bottling takes place on 6th November.
Deep Space 99
This fantastic event was greatly enjoyed by all who attended. The activities ranged from building & shooting off rockets, making light seeking robots & playing soccer with them, through to star gazing & planet viewing. A great pity more scouts didn't make the effort to come along. You really did miss out on something good.
Coming Events
Sat arvo in Sep/Oct – water rockets at the Heath house – to finish them off
Visit to Radio Station/PA factory – the McCoy boys
Weekend trip to Dunolly (up past Bendigo in "Gold" territory) – Ben to organise – date TBA, next year?
Wine bottling in Oct/Nov
Wed 13 Oct - First Aid in hall – run by St Johns Ambulance
Sat 23 Oct - Hall Opening
Wed 27 Oct - Ice skating – with Rovers
Sat/Sun 20/21 Nov - Canoeing/Abseiling weekend - (also 10 y/old Cubs), Clifford Park
Sat/Sun 27/28 Nov - 4 WD weekend with Rovers – Stewart to organise