Date:11th August 1999 Duty Patrol Tonight: Eagles Duty Patrol Next Week: Penguin
Next Week Swimming NOTE 7pm start at Hall.
At the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre, Albert Park. It has a wave pool and if anyone wants to qualify for badgework, please see Phantom beforehand. Itll be a longer night than normal leave the Hall at 7pm and return at 10pm. Permission form is enclosed please bring it remember, no form, no go. Cost is free for Scouts. Other members of family are welcome to come also (entry fees are $4 adults, $3 children). Please advise Phantom if you intend coming so he can organise transport tonight preferably (otherwise ring) and if an adult is available to help out with transport.Cross Country Ski Day
Last Saturday we went to Lake Mountain and had a fun day in the snow. There were seven Scouts (Nathaniel, Thomas, Julien, Ben, Neil, Ross Perry and Ross Laxton), and three adults (Lynx, Phantom and Mr Colin Goodwin). Although the snow was a little on the sparse side, there was enough to enjoy ourselves.
Jamboree 2001
There will be an information night on Friday 10th September for parents & scouts to discuss the Sydney Jamboree which will be held from the 3rd to the 13th January 2001. We will talk about what you need to qualify to attend and also discuss fund-raising ideas to help keep the costs down.
Coming Events
First Aid Night, Orienteering and IMAX.
Admiral Napier Cup - Scout Sailing Day
Please mark Saturday 4th September in your diaries. On this day at 2pm we will leave the hall to travelling in to Albert Park to watch the Scout Yacht Regatta. This competition includes yacht racing, rowing races, Boat Pulling, seamanship and Iron Man competitions. We will finish with a BBQ on the shores of the lake and return to the hall about 8pm. Neil Walker and Ross Laxton's "going-up" will take place during the afternoon.
As you can see the renovations are almost finished. Please continue to be careful and sensible in and around the hall.
Leaders Training Camp
The PL's training camp will be conducted over the weekend of 13-15th August at Jungelo camp which is located near Gembrook. Meet at the Scout Hall at 7pm on Friday 13th, return 4.30 pm on Sunday 15th September. See Gear List for details.
Fantastic Footy Sleepover and Electronic Games Night
Friday 27th August is set down for this extravaganza organized by Troop Council. The night will include playing Nintendo 64 and Super Nintendo games, watching the last round of AFL home and away on the big video screen in the scout hall. The sleepover concludes with breakfast and 9am pickup on Saturday. This night is a younger Scouts night and is aimed at those aged between 11 and 13. Permission Slips due next week 18 Aug. Note: No Scouts Wed 25 Aug.
Fri Sun 13-15/8 - Leadership training camp at Jungelo near Gembrook
Wed 18/8 - Swimming at Albert Park
Wed 25/8 - NO SCOUTS
Fri 27/8 - Footy Sleepover and Nintendo Fest.
Sat 4/9 - Admiral Napier Cup Going Up ceremony