Date:18th August 1999 Duty Patrol Tonight: Penguin Duty Patrol Next Week: Albatross

Next Week – Fantastic Footy Sleepover and Electronic Games Night

Friday 27th August is set down for this extravaganza organized by Troop Council. The night will include playing Nintendo 64 and Super Nintendo games, watching the last round of AFL home and away on the big video screen in the scout hall. If bringing equipment, please arrive at 8pm, otherwise come at 8.15pm. The sleepover concludes with breakfast and 9am pickup on Saturday. This night is a younger Scouts night and is aimed at those aged between 11 and 13. Permission Slips due tonight.

Note: No Scouts Wed 25 Aug.- PLs and APLs meeting at Hall at normal time – 7.30pm.

Pizza/red cordial will be provided at 7.30 so don’t be late. Please advise Phantom if you wish to attend – PLs and APLs only. The future programme will be discussed and activities, dates and organising responsibilities agreed. All Scouts are invited to submit proposals for consideration. Please give your ideas to someone who will be attending – preferably your own PL or APL and preferably in writing so your ideas can be accurately understood. Why not E-mail your ideas – ask your PL or APL if they have E-mail or send to Phantom at or

Leaders Training Camp

The PL's training camp was conducted last weekend at Jungelo camp near Gembrook. Iain, Daniel and Joel attended and successfully qualified. Phantom also attended as a supervisor. Many thanks to Mt Waverley District Leaders for organising it and for Steve Perry for helping out with transport up and back.

Jamboree 2001

There will be an information night on Friday 10th September for parents & scouts to discuss the Sydney Jamboree which will be held from the 3rd to the 13th January 2001. We will talk about what you need to qualify to attend and also discuss fund-raising ideas to help keep the costs down.

Coming Events

Suggestion are First Aid Night, Orienteering and IMAX.

Admiral Napier Cup - Scout Sailing Day

Please mark Saturday 4th September in your diaries. On this day at 2pm we will leave the hall to travelling in to Albert Park to watch the Scout Yacht Regatta. This competition includes yacht racing, rowing races, Boat Pulling, seamanship and Iron Man competitions. We will finish with a BBQ on the shores of the lake and return to the hall about 8pm. Neil Walker and Ross Laxton's "going-up" will take place during the afternoon.


As you can see the renovations are almost finished. Please continue to be careful and sensible in and around the hall and try not to mark the newly painted walls.

Parents Note: I know it is a chore to have to fill out all the same details on each and every Permission Form for different activities but it is important to have accurate and timely information – especially concerning emergency contact phone nos. Parents are quite welcome to make copies of a partly filled in Permission Form and then put in the required activity and sign them for use on the activity. Blank forms can be downloaded from the web page or see me for one. Phantom.


Wed 25/8 - NO SCOUTS – PLs/APLs Meeting

Fri 27/8 - Footy Sleepover and Nintendo Fest.

Sat 4/9 - Admiral Napier Cup – Going Up ceremony