Date:1st Sept 1999 Duty Patrol Tonight: Eagles Duty Patrol Next Week: Penguin
The Sleepover and games night went well. The ten Scouts and Phantom thank Mr Clifford Heath for his kind assistance over the long night.
Admiral Napier Cup - Scout Sailing Day Sat 4 Sep
Family Day. Scouts in uniform. Meet at the hall at 1.45pm to organise car transport and leave at 2pm. Please advise Phantom beforehand if you need transport or can provide a spare seat or two. We will travel to Albert Park to watch the Scout Yacht Regatta. This competition includes yacht racing, rowing races, Boat Pulling, seamanship and Iron Man competitions. We will finish with a BBQ on the shores of the lake (BYO afternoon tea and dinner Esky provided) and return to the hall by 8pm. Neil Walker, Ross Laxton and Glynn Fergusons "going-up" will take place during the afternoon.
Wed 8 Sep 99 Orienteering Jells Park
Meet at Waverley Rd entrance to Jells Park (just past Netball Centre entrance) Melway 71 K5 at 7.30pm. Finish at 9.30pm. Make your own transport arrangements there and home or ring Phantom the night before if you need a ride. Wear uniform and bring a torch and raincoat (if too wet we will return to hall for a normal night). Maps and compasses will be provided.
Jamboree 2001
There will be an information night on Friday 10th September for parents & scouts to discuss the Sydney Jamboree which will be held from the 3rd to the 13th January 2001. We will talk about what you need to qualify to attend and also discuss fund-raising ideas to help keep the costs down.
Coming Events
Sat arvo in Sep/Oct water rockets at the Heath house to finish them off
Visit to Radio Station/PA factory the McCoy boys
Weekend trip to Dunolly (up past Bendigo in "Gold" territory) Ben to organise Oct/Nov?
4 WD weekend in Oct/Nov? Stewart to organise
Casino/games night in Oct - Ben
Canoeing/Abseiling weekend 20/21 Nov (also 10 y/old Cubs), Clifford Park - Phantom
Hall Opening and Working Bee
As you can see the renovations are almost finished and so a grand opening is planned for October 16 or thereabouts details TBA. There will a Working Bee on Sunday, 19 September to spruce up the Hall and surrounds. It will start at 10am and a BBQ lunch will be provided. All Scouts and parents are encouraged to help out.
An old wardrobe to place in the hall and keep second hand uniforms in. If you can provide one, please advise Phantom.
Sat 4 Sep - Admiral Napier Cup Going Up ceremony
Wed 8 Sep - Orienteering Jells Park
Sun 19 Sep - Working Bee
Wed 13 Oct - First Aid in hall run by St Johns Ambulance
Sun 16 Oct - Hall Opening