Date:13th October 1999 Duty Patrol Tonight: Penguins Next Duty Patrol: Albatross

Let the Celebrations Commence!

The Hall grand opening is planned for Saturday 23 October – a family sign-up sheet was handed our last week. Please make sure you get your reply slip back on time or phone one of the contacts. Scouts please wear your uniform.

Water Rocket Launcher Completion

Your last opportunity to complete your Water Rockets launcher is THIS SATURDAY at the Heath's house at somestreet St. Meet at 2pm and pick-up at 5. There is a park close by, so bring your rocket for test firing.

Wine Bottling

Once again this fantastic value event is being organized by First Waverley. Parents, families and friends have the opportunity to buy good quality "clean skin" wines at a great price. An added bonus is that this event helps to keep the scout fees down, while enabling the group to offer a wide range of activities. Please encourage your parents to support this fund raiser. Get them to take the form to their workplace and see how easy it is to help support our scout group.
Orders are due on or before 23rd October, Wine Bottling takes place on 6th November.


November is "camping month" for 1st Waverley.
Details tonight about the "New Century Challenge Camp" on November 5 to 7 at Eumeralla near Anglesea. We need to know next week whether you will be coming. Please bring your $10 deposit NEXT WEEK. (The info sheet specifies a cost of $8, but this excludes transport and food costs. Total cost will be $25-$30)
We will also be going to a Water Activities and Abseiling Camp over the weekend of November 20 and 21. This camp will be held at Clifford Park which is only about 30 minutes drive away. This camp will cost $30 per person

Coming Events

Visit to Radio Station/PA factory – the McCoy boys
Weekend trip to Dunolly (up past Bendigo in "Gold" territory) – Ben to organise – date TBA, next year?


A neat, small sturdy table is needed for the Hall Foyer. Please contact Skip (Doug Wilson 9999.9999) if you can help.

Cubs Space Night

Scouts are requested to help out with the Cubs Space Night next Thursday 21 October if they can make it. Deep space participants are requested to bring their robots and torches along.

First Aid Night

The First Aid Night has been postponed for one week


Sat 16 Oct - 2 to 5pm - Water Rocket Launcher completion at Heaths
Wed 20 Oct - First Aid in hall – run by St Johns Ambulance
Thur 21 Oct - Space Night at Cubs. Scouts to assist please.

Sat 23 Oct - Hall Opening at 12pm

Wed 27 Oct - Ice skating – with Rovers
Fri-Sun 5-7 Nov - New Century Challenge Camp at Anglesea

Sat/Sun 20/21 Nov - Canoeing/Abseiling weekend - (also 10 y/old Cubs), Clifford Park