Date:27th October 1999 Duty Patrol Tonight: Albatross Next Duty Patrol: Eagles

Hall Opening

Thanks to the scouts who came along to the opening on Saturday. We hope you enjoyed your sausage and spit roast lunch. Ben, Stewart, Ross, Richard, Iain, Hayden & Glynn please take a bow.


November is another "camping month" for 1st Waverley.
Permission slip out last week for the "New Century Challenge Camp" on November 5 to 7 at Eumeralla near Anglesea. Your $10 deposit was due tonight. (The info sheet specifies a cost of $8, but this excludes transport and food costs. Total cost will be $25-$30)
We will also be going to a Water Activities & Abseiling Camp over the weekend of November 20 and 21. This camp will be held at Clifford Park which is only about 45 minutes drive away. This camp will cost $30 per person

Next Week

Return of "Bomb the Bridge"

Cubs Space Night

Thanks to the Scouts who came along to help out with the Cubs Space Night last week. Well done Stewart, Ross, Joel, Richard, Iain

Wine Bottling Fundraiser

The Wine Bottling takes place on 6th November. Come along in the morning to help out, or pick up your wine from about 1pm.

Troop Council

Troop Council met last week. Scouts should hassle your PL or APL to find out what's been decided for activities for the rest of this year and early next year.

Wed 10th November

Visit to the PA people. Learn how to put together a B I G PA system, make some noise. Details next week.

Emergency Asthma Management

If there are any Scouts or Parents who are interested in attending an Asthma Victoria Emergency Asthma Management course for one evening, please let Cyclo know at your earliest convenience. The course is designed as an adjunct to a Level2 Workplace First Aid qualification. Cost will be about $15.00.


Fri-Sun 5-7 Nov - New Century Challenge Camp at Anglesea
Wed 3 Nov - Battle of the Brodge
Wed 10 Nov - Visit the PA People

Sat/Sun 20/21 Nov - Canoeing/Abseiling weekend - (with 10 y/old Cubs), Clifford Park
Wed 15/12 - Traditional Breakup at Dark Zone

Scenes from the hall opening on next page