Date: 9th June 1999 Duty Patrol Tonight: Llama Duty Patrol Next Week: Bushranger

Bike Hike

The "Queens End Rail and Bicycle Bash" bike hike has been postponed until later in the year.

Thuma Yanka

Congratulations to Joel and Daniel Heath on your detective work. The prize has been awarded and paid!
Thuma Yanka means "fire carrying stick" in the Australian Aboriginal language Pakanh, spoken in central Cape York Peninsula, north Queensland

Op Shop

Please ask your parents to contact Jodie Misson about helping the in op-shop between 21st June and 26th June. More helpers are desperately needed.
Donations of salable goods are also required. These can be left at the hall at any time, or ring Jodie to arrange pickup.

Activities for Term 3

If you have a suggestion for an activity you'd like to be involved in with the Scout Troop in Term 3 please make sure that you tell your patrol leader or see one of the adult leaders.

Sleepover, Friday 25/6.

A sleepover will be held to mark the end of term 3.

In keeping with recent tradition, breakfast will be at McDonalds, followed by a couple of hours community service tree planting. Scouts will be ready to go home about 11am. Permission slips out tonight, and due back next week.

Patrol Activities

Scouts are always able to organise a patrol activity. You are no longed in cubs. You have the opportunity to make things happen - things like hiking, overnight camping, or some special interest activites. It can be your "normal" patrol or a special activity patrol - your choice. The Leaders will support you if you ask. Any activity requiring more than 8 hours effort will earn you a patrol activity badge

Jamboree 2001

There will be an information night early in Term 3 for parents (& scouts) to discuss the Sydney Jamboree which will be held from the 3rd to the 13th January 2001. The Jamboree provides lots of fun and activities and brings together thousands of scouts from all over Australia and other countries around the world.

Cross Country Skiing - August

We have usually gone cross country (XC) skiing for one day each August. Please let a leader know if you would be interested to go for the whole weekend (lodge accommodation) rather than just taking a one day trip.


12-14/6 - Bike Hike - postponed
12-14/6 - Rover Mudbash

16/6 - Bushranger ten-pin bowling night ???
Friday 25/6 - Term 3 breakup
July/Aug - Working Bee at the Hall to prepare for the official opening of the "new" hall. All

Scouts (and parents) are requested to come along and help out.

Tues 20/7 - Troop Council at Anthony's house at 7pm
7/8 - XC Ski Day or Weekend
14-15/8 - PL training camp at Jungelo